December 22, 2005

University of Arizona=GFW*

From The O'Hara Factor:

The University of Arizona Wants to Terminate the Arizona 4-H Shooting Sports Program!

Monday, December 19, 2005

"After a long-standing Wildcat tradition of promoting and developing life-long recreational activities, the University of Arizona wants to terminate the Arizona 4-H Shooting Sports Program as of January 1, 2006. This decision is based completely on the State of Arizona Board of Regents Audit Committee recommendation.

As a result, the University of Arizona Police Department would confiscate all University owned guns and associated gear connected with this program for disposition. If the program is indeed terminated, this will be a tragic loss of shooting opportunities not only for both middle school and high school students but also for all up-and-coming shooting enthusiasts statewide.

University of Arizona President, Peter Likins, has temporarily suspended the decision to end Arizona’s 4-H Shooting Sports Program. However, to ensure the University does not move forward in the future to terminate 4-H Shooting Sports, program coordinators are asking for comments from concerned Arizona citizens in support of the program.

Please contact members of the Arizona Board"

Might be a wonderful opportunity to opine to the open minded educators that feed at the public teat. I can understand why the University would not want to be associated with a Radical Organization like 4H. Firearms safety begins with education. Then again what would the Uof A know about that?

*Gun Fearing Wussies

Posted by BillyBudd at December 22, 2005 05:05 PM | TrackBack

Check out a funny site dedicated to the absurdity and satire nature of saying: "It's All George Bush's Fault!" (for short)

Notta Libb

Posted by: Notta Libb at December 28, 2005 08:34 AM

ycniyo afofobfdb

Posted by: Godfrey at February 27, 2006 09:50 PM
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