180 days to beat the sumbitches into submission. Anyone else detect the twisted sense of irony over the fact that the Moonbats that cry the loudest over the Patriot Act are the same ones who want to restrict the most freedoms.
You know the ones, the anti-God, anti-smoking,anti-guns,anti-sexual privacy, anti-hunter-offroad-outdoors, anti-family, anti-fun, politically correct anal retentive assholes that demand tolerance and diversity as long it is their form of it.
I am not a big fan of the Patriot Act because I think government already sticks their nose in my business too much. However if it keeps one more Muslim terrorist from killing Americans then profile and chase the scumbags out of our country.
Until you whiny liberal asshats come up with a better idea, STFU! We are not talking about jackbooted tactics like Mr. Janet Reno approved in Waco, no just using the resources available to keep members of the Religion Of Peace (Muslims) from using their twisted sick interpretation of the koran to kill any more innocent women and children.
Don't like it? GO HOME back to the flea bitten shithole whence you came. That goes for the 20 million illegal aliens that are systematically destroying our country as well.
Posted by BillyBudd at December 21, 2005 08:40 PM | TrackBackHorray for you!!! My sentiments exactly, I am quite certain that most of the "REAL' Americans feel the same as we do!
There are parts of the Patriot Act that are good and necessary.
Other parts concern me greatly as it leaves no accountability towards preserving the freedoms we are entitled to as Americans.
Why we need a six month extension to fix these problems is beyond me, when they should have been working on it for the past four years.
But I'm glad that they are addressing these concerns.
Funny what an upcoming election can achieve!
Posted by: Cary at December 22, 2005 07:36 PMThe thing thats gets my knickers in a knot is the fact that many of these so called secret invasions of our privacy have been going on for years. Terrorist are bad people that don't play by the rules. If we insist on playing nice we will revisit 9/11. Bad people need to be dealt with in whatever ways neccessary. They are not interested in Americans other than drug dealers and organized crime, if they get swept up in the net so be it.
Posted by: Billy Budd at December 22, 2005 07:42 PM